Mama Has a Mustache is an award-winning documentary about gender identity outside of the traditional binary. A critical educational resource for colleges, universities, and public libraries, this entirely animated film stimulates discussion about gender and self-acceptance in a whole new way. The film and its companion discussion guide are available for educational licensing through a digital streaming link and/or DVD purchase.
Primary subject areas:
Gender Studies
LGBTQIA+/Queer Studies
Sociology, Psychology
Child Development
Emmy-nominated Director Sally Rubin, a nonbinary professor at Chapman University, is also available for in-person and virtual campus presentations, screenings, and classroom visits.
Please reach out if you would like preview the full 10-minute film before purchasing the educational license. Thank you for your support!
"The sense of freedom these kids feel…is a delight to behold."
—Susan Stryker, author, Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution
"This is a groundbreaking film—a must see for literally everyone."
—Sam Feder, Director, Disclosure: Trans Lives on Screen
Terms and Conditions: The 1-year and 3-year streaming links and DVDs include an educational license to screen the film to 50 people or less. Kindly reach out to if you would like to arrange a larger screening. Thanks!